Database is the place where information is stored in the form of tables so in order to organize database information users should log int o oracle database using console and execute queries which will be a time taking task. In order to over come this problem a web based front end application is implemented. Using this application programmers can log in to database and perform every operations.
Graphical user interface is designed with a left side bar where tables and related information is displayed in the form of links.Users can select tables from the sidebar to display content inside the table. Basically while developing large applications searching for tables will be confusing, in order to overcome this problem search feature is implemented. Users can use settings like username, password, database name, IP address of the database server,Port number of the database. Settings can be modified just by enabling and disabling check boxes. Using this GUI user can modify,delete,create,drop,select table information.
In many companies programmers use console based database organization which is a not user friendly method. Executing queries, deleting information from database using this method can take lot of time. In some cases users should move locations to perform database operations.
Proposed database explorer is a user friendly graphical user interface which will be easily accessible to operate database with minimal settings. This application will save time and risk. Users need not move from place to place to modify database details. Every operation can be done through this application.
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