Stenography, poor cousin of Cryptography is the art of hiding messages inside other messages such that the very existence of the message is unknown to third party. The goal of cryptography is to make data unreadable by a third party, the goal of Steganography is to hide the data from a third party Through the use of advanced computer software, authors of images and software can place a hidden trademark in their product, allowing them to keep a check on piracy. This is commonly known as watermarking. Hiding serial numbers or a set of characters that distinguishes an object from a similar object is known as finger printing. Together, these two are intended to fight piracy. The latter is used to detect copyright violators and the former is used to prosecute them. But these are only examples of the much wider field of Stenography.
The cover data should not be significantly degraded by the embedded data, and the embedded data should be as imperceptible as possible. The embedded data should be as immune as possible to modifications from intelligent attacks or anticipated manipulations. Thus it is necessary that the hidden message should be encrypted.
System Description:
The Effective key Generation for Multimedia Application system is designed basically in four different modules they are GUI module, Security System module, Stegnography Module, Connection Manager Module.
GUI Module basically deals with the design of the interface which include the service of providing the user with the flexibility of accessing the file system and selecting the required file for the transfer. It should also provide the system to collect the information from the user to check the authorization in providing the access to the file system. The interface is also to consider the design, which include the services of sending and receiving of the files with encryption and decryption standards.
Existing System.
- In the traditional the server was only a data base server that can only offer data. Therefore majority of the business logic i.e., validations etc. had to be placed on the clients system
- The data has to be transported over the network to the client, which requires a secured format of the transfer method.
Proposed System.
- In the proposed system we use both cryptography and stenography
- First the information is encrypted and then it is embedded in to a video file.
- In this way two levels of security is provided and it is difficult for the hacker to read the information
Software Requirements For Multimedia Java Project
Operating System :Windows NT/2000 (Client/Server).
Software requirements :Front-end: Java J2SDK 1.5, Swings.
Hardware Requirements:
System Configuration :Pentium III Processor with 700 MHz Clock Speed
256 MB RAM, 20 GB HDD, 32 Bit PCI Ethernet Card.
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