In existing system if a person want a new I Net connection he must follow manual process by filling form and submit to officials which is a time taking process. In this manual process there is a lot of man power required. In the same way enquiry process takes a lot of time which will reduce customer service values. In order to overcome this problem a new automated system is developed which will look after new connection applications, customer services and more.
I Net Java Project is developed in four modules.
1. Applications
2. Entries
3. Enquiries
4. Complaints
Application processing module has the following sub modules.
Application for new phone connection.
This module contains “New phone connection application form” which should be filled manually. Form should be filled with Name, address and other details.
Application for Phone Transfer
Users need to fill change of application form with details like change of address, change of name…etc and inform officials about their changes if not connection will be disconnected.
Application for Temporary Phone Connection
This is a new feature for users who use connection for temporary use. For those who use this type of connections I Net will provide basic charge for connection.
Application for Modifications
Using these module users can modify their connection like changing residence connection to business connection or changing from Local to STD connection… etc.
Application for Cancellation
This module provides application from for users to cancel their connection by submitting required information. In order to cancel phone connection user’s bills should be cleared.